Friday, March 27, 2020

Trump uses Defense Production Act

In an attempt to spur economic growth while the nation is still reeling from the continuous spread of COVlD-19, Trump utilizes his authority granted by the Defense Production Act by forcing Jeff Bezos to mandate Amazon employees remain quarantined in their work locations to continue packaging and shipping goods to American consumers. 

While news of increased positive cases amongst workers is leaked to the media, Trump praises their patriotism and their allegiance to our nation's capitalist ideals and orders them to remain working, referencing their impact on the decimated stock market. 

While continuing to downplay the threat of the virus that has continued to spread in no small part because of his pleading with governors across the country to lift stay-at-home orders, Trump exclaims, "It's going to be beautiful, people in large groups again, spending money, in church, so good, tremendous."  

Trump also used his newfound presidential power to force Elon Musk of Tesla to ramp up production of a new clone army, to be led by both Commanders Mnuchin and Kushner, while reports indicate funds are being reallocated from the 2.2 Trillion Coronavirus Aid Package into the U.S. Space Force budget with plans to build a giant planet or star. It's currently unclear if the purpose of the new planet or star is for future habitation or something more nefarious.

Monday, November 14, 2011

The Fox News Narrative of the Economic Collapse

The right-wing narrative of the economic meltdown is that Clinton facilitated home-ownership through the government-run Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to unqualified borrowers eventually leading to the economic meltdown during the Bush years, and the Democratic Party’s increased regulations on the private sector have caused the delay in recovery. Let’s analyze that.

Fannie Mae was indeed created by a Democrat, FDR, in 1938 to free up capital during the Great Depression. However, it was turned into a publicly traded company, owned by investors in 1968. Two years later, Freddie Mac was created under Nixon, and that also went public in 1989. So while, there is an implicit guarantee of government security because these entities are too big to fail, they are not exactly government run.

Home ownership has been pushed consistently by both parties as the pinnacle of the American Dream ideal. Selling mortgages to unqualified buyers through deceitful means was a result of greedy businessmen and women that were not happy maintaining substantial profit margins, but rather required exponential growth to satisfy their uber-capitalist hunger.

The deregulation and rabid trading of derivatives for short-term gain that peaked during the G.W. Bush years are somehow left out of this Fox News, right-wing narrative. The newer regulations put in place by Democrats were simply meant to try to prevent some of the same reckless investment that led to the collapse that we are now trying to recover from.

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Thursday, March 24, 2011

War in Libya

I am greatly disappointed with our seemingly not well thought out and rather blunt insertion into Libya's civil war.

This clip from the Daily Show sums it up well, in case you haven't seen it:

(This one is pretty good too:
I thought we were going to have to wait for another Republican to get into office before the PNAC (Project for the New American Century) got their 3 simultaneous stage wars as outlined in their outwardly pro-war and power-hungry Rebuilding America's Defenses document (, but apparently the influence of the military industrial complex knows no bounds.

Also, as we all know, much of our foreign policy is related to our gluttonous energy consumption. If we could somehow curb our reliance on foreign oil (ideally through wind and solar supplementation as much as possible), we could stop (or limit) contributing billions in military aid each year to the Middle East: (includes military aid to Libya)

See also from a few years ago:

Much of this military aid, that does not even include the cost of the other 2 wars we're engaged in, as I understand it is delivered almost like vouchers where products (tanks, jets, artillery) need to be purchased from major military corporations, who in turn contribute heavily to American political elections. Now they can contribute much more since they've been recognized as individuals deserving of 1st Amendment rights by our wonderful Supreme Court last year. A decision that "threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation," said Justice Stevens in his dissent.

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Friday, May 02, 2008

Clinton's Racial Fear-Based Strategy

The Clinton campaign has clearly shifted its campaign to play on racial fears in a way so blatant and damaging that it could have lasting negative effects for the Democratic Party. This type of racial fear-based campaign has not typically been seen from Democratic campaigns in decades, and will only further divide the populations that real Democrats have worked so diligently to unite in recent years. It appears that Hillary is so hell bent on being the nominee that would destroy the party in the process and eliminate even her own chances of winning the general election. I am sadly dissapointed in her campaign's tactics and can no longer honestly say that such deceitful practices are mainly Republican campaign strategies. Her campaign's (and the main stream media's) obsession with Obama's former pastor has had no other real effect other than playing on the less-educated white people:

"Regardless, Clinton appeared to be gaining strength among voters, especially the white working-class which has reacted negatively to Obama's association with Rev. Jeremiah Wright — the Illinois senator's former pastor who called from the pulpit for God to damn America for it's treatment of African Americans.

Reflecting that shift, a poll released Thursday by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press showed Clinton's lead over Obama nationally among whites who did not attend college had increased from 10 points in March to 40 points at the end of April."

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Obama Winning Pledged Delegates, Clinton Winning in the Media

Here's a good article summing up how Obama is actually winning the pledged delegate count:

Many media outlets are reporting either the number of states won in which they often mention Florida and Michigan where 0 delegates will be awarded due to their disobeying of the DNC by moving their primaries before 2/5/08 and they give Clinton the victory in New Hampshire and Nevada. New Hampshire was a tie for pledged delegates and Obama actually won more delegates in Nevada, 13 to 12. Or the media uses the super delegate count which is actually generated from endorsements from other elected or previously elected officials and not chosen by voters at all! This includes the endorsement of former President Bill Clinton! See more info here:

Roughly 40% of the delegates required to win the nomination are based on political endorsements and not actually decided on by voters. Not very democratic at all.

Friday, November 16, 2007

The Cost of the War in Iraq

$1,300,000,000,000.00 dollars by the end of next year (

1,220,580 estimated Iraqi deaths since the invasion in 2003 ( Another more conservative estimate is 655,000 (

2,000,000 displaced Iraqi people (

3,864 American soldiers dead and at least 28,451 wounded (

“…one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror,” G.W. Bush, 9/6/2006 (

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

The Campaigner in Chief

The Campaigner in Chief, I mean the Commander in Thief, I mean Bush recently said," ... The Democrat approach to Iraq comes down to this: The terrorists win and America loses." Hopefully American voters are not susceptible to this level of blatant attempts of voter manipulation. Doesn't he have a job he's supposed to be doing?
I find an interesting paradox in his statement. I believe that the victory for the terrorists he is referring to actually comes with every wave of fear forced upon American people by the Republican led administration. Or the almost three thousand lost lives of American soldiers sent to a poorly planned war based on false intelligence gathered to support a pre-September 11th plan to invade Iraq. Or perhaps the terrorists might view the over half a million Iraqis dead and the hundreds of thousands displaced as a bigger sign of victory than Americans electing Democrats to office. But I suppose Bush should know what the terrorists view as a victory ... it takes one to know one.

Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. - US Federal Bureau of Investigation