Friday, March 27, 2020

Trump uses Defense Production Act

In an attempt to spur economic growth while the nation is still reeling from the continuous spread of COVlD-19, Trump utilizes his authority granted by the Defense Production Act by forcing Jeff Bezos to mandate Amazon employees remain quarantined in their work locations to continue packaging and shipping goods to American consumers. 

While news of increased positive cases amongst workers is leaked to the media, Trump praises their patriotism and their allegiance to our nation's capitalist ideals and orders them to remain working, referencing their impact on the decimated stock market. 

While continuing to downplay the threat of the virus that has continued to spread in no small part because of his pleading with governors across the country to lift stay-at-home orders, Trump exclaims, "It's going to be beautiful, people in large groups again, spending money, in church, so good, tremendous."  

Trump also used his newfound presidential power to force Elon Musk of Tesla to ramp up production of a new clone army, to be led by both Commanders Mnuchin and Kushner, while reports indicate funds are being reallocated from the 2.2 Trillion Coronavirus Aid Package into the U.S. Space Force budget with plans to build a giant planet or star. It's currently unclear if the purpose of the new planet or star is for future habitation or something more nefarious.