Thursday, March 24, 2011

War in Libya

I am greatly disappointed with our seemingly not well thought out and rather blunt insertion into Libya's civil war.

This clip from the Daily Show sums it up well, in case you haven't seen it:

(This one is pretty good too:
I thought we were going to have to wait for another Republican to get into office before the PNAC (Project for the New American Century) got their 3 simultaneous stage wars as outlined in their outwardly pro-war and power-hungry Rebuilding America's Defenses document (, but apparently the influence of the military industrial complex knows no bounds.

Also, as we all know, much of our foreign policy is related to our gluttonous energy consumption. If we could somehow curb our reliance on foreign oil (ideally through wind and solar supplementation as much as possible), we could stop (or limit) contributing billions in military aid each year to the Middle East: (includes military aid to Libya)

See also from a few years ago:

Much of this military aid, that does not even include the cost of the other 2 wars we're engaged in, as I understand it is delivered almost like vouchers where products (tanks, jets, artillery) need to be purchased from major military corporations, who in turn contribute heavily to American political elections. Now they can contribute much more since they've been recognized as individuals deserving of 1st Amendment rights by our wonderful Supreme Court last year. A decision that "threatens to undermine the integrity of elected institutions across the Nation," said Justice Stevens in his dissent.

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