Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Obama Winning Pledged Delegates, Clinton Winning in the Media

Here's a good article summing up how Obama is actually winning the pledged delegate count:

Many media outlets are reporting either the number of states won in which they often mention Florida and Michigan where 0 delegates will be awarded due to their disobeying of the DNC by moving their primaries before 2/5/08 and they give Clinton the victory in New Hampshire and Nevada. New Hampshire was a tie for pledged delegates and Obama actually won more delegates in Nevada, 13 to 12. Or the media uses the super delegate count which is actually generated from endorsements from other elected or previously elected officials and not chosen by voters at all! This includes the endorsement of former President Bill Clinton! See more info here:

Roughly 40% of the delegates required to win the nomination are based on political endorsements and not actually decided on by voters. Not very democratic at all.